Originally known as the town of Lake View and later incorporated into the City of Chicago, Lakeview was first settled
by Swedish, German and Irish immigrants.
You may be interested:
Visit the Conrad Sulzer branch of the Chicago Public Library.
at 4455 N. Lincoln Ave.
See back copies of the Lincoln-Belmont Booster on micro-fische.
Visit the 2nd floor, Lakeview Archives Room-but call ahead for a reservation with archivist, Julie Lynch
(312) 744-7616
Recommended Reading:
Lakeview Saga 1837-2007
for availability contact Lakeview Citizen's Council
The Castle of the Flynns
by Michael Raliegh
(a novel about a youngster in 1950s Lakeview
many area locations and businesses are mentioned,
from Riverview to Lincoln Park)
George Street, Our Street
by Mel Giles
(the author's experience of living in 1940s-1950s Lakeview)
Click here to read Claude Peters (Jahn 1951) memoirs about Growing Up in Lakeview 1941-1951